Published / In press
D. Aktas, B. Lokman, and T. Inkaya, Cluster Ensemble Selection and Consensus Clustering: A Multi-objective Optimization Approach, accepted for publication, European Journal of Operational Research
G. Ceyhan, M. Koksalan, and B. Lokman. Extensions for Benders cuts and new valid inequalities for solving the European day-ahead electricity market clearing problem efficiently, European Journal of Operational Research, in press.
N. Nasrabadia, A. Dehnokhalaji, P. Korhonen, B. Lokman, and J. Wallenius (2022), Robustness of efficiency scores in data envelopment analysis with interval scale data, European Journal of Operational Research, 297(3), 1151-1161.
I. Dogan, B. Lokman, and M. Koksalan, Representing the nondominated set with a small subset in multi-objective mixed integer programs (2022), European Journal of Operational Research, 296 (3), 804-818.
A. Ishizaka, B. Lokman, and M. Tasiou (2021), A stochastic multi-criteria divisive hierarchical clustering algorithm, Omega, 103, 102370.
S. S. Ozarik, B. Lokman, and M. Koksalan (2020), Distribution-based representative sets for multi-objective integer programs, European Journal of Operational Research, 284(2), 632-643.
B. Lokman (2020), An approach to solve bicriterion scheduling problem on a single machine, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University (in Turkish), 35(4), 2075-2088.
G. Ceyhan, M. Koksalan, B. Lokman (2019), Finding a Representative Nondominated set for Multi-objective Mixed Integer Programs, European Journal of Operational Research, 272(1), 61-77,
B. Lokman (2019), Optimizing a linear function over the nondominated set of multiobjective integer programs, International Transactions in Operational Research, 28(4), 2248-2267,
B. Lokman and M. Koksalan (2019), Identifying preferred solutions in multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 27(3), 1970-1981.
B. Lokman, M. Koksalan, P. J. Korhonen, and J. Wallenius (2018), An Interactive Approximation Algorithm for Multi-objective Integer Programs, Computers and Operations Research, 96, 80-90.
B. Lokman (2017), A Survey on Finding Representative Points for Multi-objective Integer Programs and Quality Measures, Journal of Industrial Engineering (in Turkish), 28, 19-39.
B. Lokman, M. Koksalan, P. J. Korhonen, and J. Wallenius (2016), An Interactive Algorithm to Find the Most Preferred Solution of Multi-objective Integer Programs, Annals of Operations Research, 245, 67-95.
M. Koksalan, B. Lokman (2015), Finding Nadir Points for Multi-objective Integer Programs, Journal of Global Optimization, 62, 55-77.
B. Lokman and M. Koksalan (2014), Finding Highly Preferred Points for Multi-objective Integer Programs,” IIE Transactions, 46, 1181-1195.
B. Lokman and M. Koksalan (2013), Finding all Nondominated Points of Multi-objective Integer Programs, Journal of Global Optimization, 57, 347-365.
M. Koksalan, B. Lokman (2009), Approximating the Nondominated Frontiers of Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Naval Research Logistics, 56, 191-198.
Associate Editor (July 2021 - present)
Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, Decision Analysis and Preference-Driven Analytics Area of the Omega
Guest Editor (June 2022 - present)
EURO Journal on Decision Processes, Special Issue on Recent Advances and Applications of Multi-objective Optimization
A data-driven decision support system for optimizing prostate biopsy techniques, Sara Saadatmand, University of Portsmouth, Expected Graduation Date: October 2025 (First Supervisor, awarded Faculty of Business and Law PhD Bursary)
Stochastic goal programming variants and their synergies to other mathematical programming uncertainty based methodologies with application to Arctic sustainability, John Merchant, University of Portsmouth, Expected Graduation Date: October 2024 (Second Supervisor).
A Study of the Day-Ahead-Energy Market Auctions from a Multi-objective Perspective, Gokhan Ceyhan, Middle East Technical University, Graduation Date: August 2020, (First Supervisor).
A Multi-objective Approach to Cluster Ensemble Problem, Dilay Aktas, 2019 (Supervisor).
Representing the Nondominated Set with a Small Subset in Multi-objective Mixed Integer Programs, Ilgin Dogan, 2018 (Supervisor).
Issues in Selecting a Representative Set for Multi-objective Integer Programs, Sami Serkan Ozarik, 2017 (Supervisor).
Generating Representative Nondominated Solution Subsets in Multi-Objective Integer Problems, Gokhan Ceyhan, 2014 (Co-Supervisor).
B. Lokman, Approaches for Multi objective Integer and Mixed Integer Programs and Applications, The 94th meeting of the EURO working group on Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding, Crete, Greece, September 2022 (invited as the Bernard Roy Award Laureate).
B. Lokman, S. S. Ozarik, M. Koksalan, Distribution-based representative sets for Multi-objective Integer Programs, The OR Society's 63rd Annual Conference, UK, September 2021 (invited).
B. Lokman, G. Ceyhan, M. Koksalan, A web-based decision support system for multi-objective mixed integer programs, 25th International Conference on MCDM, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2019 (invited).
B. Lokman, M. Koksalan, P. J. Korhonen, J. Wallenius, An interactive approximation algorithm for multi-objective integer programs, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2018, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 2018 (invited).
B. Lokman, S. S. Ozarik, M. Koksalan, Distribution-based representative sets for Multi-objective Integer Programs, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, USA, November 2017 (invited).
B. Lokman, G. Ceyhan, M. Koksalan, A web-based solution platform for Multi-objective Integer Programs, 24th International Conference on MCDM, Ottawa, Canada, July 2017 (invited).
B. Lokman, G. Ceyhan, M. Koksalan, Finding a Representative Nondominated Set for Multi-objective Integer Programs, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, USA, November 2016 (invited).
B. Lokman, Optimizing a Linear Function over the Nondominated Set of Multi-objective Optimization Problems, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, November 2015 (invited).
B. Lokman, G. Ceyhan, M. Koksalan, Properties and Representation of Nondominated Sets of Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization Problems, 23rd International Conference on MCDM, Hamburg, Germany, August 2015 (invited).
B. Lokman, M. Koksalan, Finding Preferred Points for Multi-objective Integer Programs, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, November 2014 (invited).
B. Lokman, M. Koksalan, Finding Nadir Points in Multi-objective Integer Programs,” 22nd International Conference on MCDM, Malaga, Spain, June 2013 (invited).
B. Lokman, M. Koksalan, P. J. Korhonen, J. Wallenius, “Solving Multi-objective Integer Programs using Convex Preference Cones, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, October 2012 (invited).
B. Lokman, M. Koksalan, Finding all Nondominated Points in a Restricted Region for Multi-objective Integer Programming, 21st International Conference on MCDM, Jyvaskyla, Finland, June 2011 (invited).
B. Lokman, M. Koksalan, Finding Nadir Points for Multi-criteria Integer Programming Problems,” 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2010.
B. Lokman, M. Koksalan, Approximating the Efficient Frontier for Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization Problems, 22nd European Conference on Operational Research, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2007.
Project Manager and Course Leader, NATCOR Course on uMCDM, September 2-6, 2024
NATCOR Course on NATCOR Course on Decision Making with Multiple Criteria and Uncertainty, University of Portsmouth, UK.
Project Manager and Course Leader, NATCOR Course on MCDM, September 7-9, 2022
NATCOR Course on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, University of Portsmouth, UK.
Chair, Conference Organisation, June 26-July 1, 2022
26th International conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, MCDM for a sustainable and secure future, University of Portsmouth, UK.
Principal Investigator, June 2020 - July 2021
Robotic orthopaedic surgery for Stryker Corporation, internally funded by Health and Wellbeing Theme, University of Portsmouth.
Principal Investigator, April 2016 - October 2018
Nondominated Points of Multi-objective Integer Programming Problems: Analysis, Approaches and Applications, funded by the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK), Turkey.
Researcher, April 2015 - July 2015
Workflow Analysis of Processes in the Office of Revolving Funds, funded by Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Bernard Roy Award, Association of European Operational Research Societies Working Group on Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding, 2022.
Young Researcher Award, Middle East Technical University, 2015.
Graduate study scholarship, TUBITAK (Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council), October 2006 - July 2011.
Ranked 3rd upon graduation, Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2005.
Team Ranked First, Local Qualification of TIMES (Tournament in Management and Engineering Skills), European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2005.
Silver Medal, The National Mathematic Olympics, TUBITAK, 1997.